Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Rearranging the First Floor

Wine of the Day:  Vendage - Merlot

Brian and I have slowly been working on finishing touches for the house.  The wainscot is up and painted and completed! 

After seeing how great the final product looked we also decided to rearrange some furniture.  We moved the book shelves out of the dining room and into the back room by the kitchen to create more of a den.  This also allowed us to hang more of our wall art and our wine rack up.  We had been struggling to find the perfect place for the wine rack and the chalk board but now it seems we have found them the perfect homes.


We also received bar stools we had been wanting for Christmas to create the perfect breakfast bar/ hang out spot.

The wood color ties in perfectly with our dining room set and bookshelves.  It's also become one of Brutus's favorite places to nap. 
We have temporarily moved the loveseat into the living room but plan to rearrange the living room once we finish the basement.  For now we have a cat nap trap...

We've also caught Bria sitting on the chair.

And, I came home one day to see this owl perched on our deck railing.

After the wedding we will get all of our new light fixtures hung; also Christmas presents. We also plan to get the basement painted and furnished ASAP!

Cheers, k